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          On March 25, 2011, the Clearfield High Schoold Debate team held the Mr. Clearfield pageant. This is the fundraiser the team has every year to raise money for tournements and to send people to nationals. There were 15 contestants, but after a long hard fought night, in second runner up was Tyler Roberts, first runner up Kaden Reed, and Mr. Clearfield for 2011 was Stockton Nye.   

        The theme of Mr. Clearfield this year was A Walk In CandyLand. The different things the contestants had to compete in consested of talents, questions, and a varity of lunch time activities that they earend points for throughout the week.   

        The team made enough money to send all three kids to nationals and enough to pay for the next years tournements. We would like to thank everyone who came or helped with Mr. Clearfield seeing how it was a great success and helped out Clearfield High Schools Debate Team greatly.